Painting up a Storm

Artist Theresa Disney paid us a visit for her trunk show on Nov. 21 and painted up a storm while she was here.
She's putting the finishing touches on her pendants that feature angels, birds, flowers, and devilish faces.
The gallery is chock full of Theresa's winsome creations, from paper mache dogs to tabletop mermaids.
Visit the Current Show page on our website to see additional works by Theresa.

A New Home for Blackie

When a Jacksonville Beach couple visited the gallery and spied the little black doggie in our front window, they knew he would be going home with them! "Blackie" (above on the left) fits right in with their trio of Scotties.

Artist Theresa Disney sculpts in paper mache and imbues each one of her creations with a sense of humor and heart. "Blackie" tugged on the heartstrings of Nancy and Greg. When they saw this little fella, he reminded them of Jonah, their very special two year old.

Nancy says that Jonah was the seventh of eight pups and was born lame. When he was rejected by his mother, they adopted him. He doesn't let his injury slow him down. On their morning walks, Jonah keeps up just fine with a sideways hop.

Follow this link to see a few more of Theresa's pups:

Who's Nice?

For all the folks on your list who've been nice, you'll be sure to find something special for them in the gallery. Robin is showing off what we fondly refer to as "the puffy frame." It's made of cloth and stuffed with batting. It's designed to hang from a wide grosgrain ribbon and hold a bulletin board or lightweight artwork. It's an eye catcher!

50th Anniversary

This year, the peace sign is 50 years old. In honor of that milestone, we're celebrating a peace-filled holiday with ornaments and wreaths that fit the theme.

Mary is putting the finishing touches on the peace tree, all decked out with glitter and good tidings.

Our opening reception for Folk Art for the Holidays is Nov. 8, so we'll keep decorating until every corner is festive and bright.

Trick or Treat

All work and no play makes us dull girls! The town of Sanford throws a Halloween extravaganza like no other. With thousands of families out trick or treating downtown, we just have to join in the fun. Pictured here are Marie Antoinette (artist Cherie Dacko) and Julia Child (gallery manager Mary Shaw) having a little Halloween fun. Let them eat cake and bon appetit!

In Memory of...

Jake McCord and Woodie Long are two folk artists we will dearly miss. Jake passed away in September and Woodie in October. Both men grew up in large families (with 11 siblings each!) and spent their youth toiling in fields and farms.
Jake was known in his Georgia town as the man with the most televisions, often having 8 going simultaneously throughout his home. The characters that he painted featured large square eyes and exagerrated proportions. He painted everyday scenes from his community.

Woodie's childhood memories of truck rides and ball games were popular subjects for his paintings. He said that painting was his way of passing on his stories to his children.
Check for paintings by both men.